sometimes i dont even dare to shift, so i set it on manual (without clutch) but its so sloand why? if you want to be more sim why has a porsche PDK a clutch ? assetto corsa all automatics you didnt needed to shift. the shifting (with clutch) takes me more concentration than the actual driving. Why have this system ? its a simcade !! we had a normal shift system since fm3 (with clutch) and only like 5-8 % complained about the full throttle shift (since fm6-fm7) games like gran turismo just have normal shifting and you can full throttle shift since gt3. i even played fm7 with less hate by the beginning ( i played it for 3 months). its so bad that i almost wanted to quite playing the game after 2 hours, so annoyed i was with the atrocious shifting. never had a race game ( i play alot of them over the years) wich such bad shifting physics.

most of all the shifting, its unacceptabel. Now the bad and unacceptabel points (negative) so thats a step in the right direction agian (physics wise) i love the new physics its much harder so the driver makes the difference agian wich i like. Now we come to the new forza motorsport (8) subject. i loved fm2 ,3 ,4, 6 and hated fm7 with a passion bad physics (to much grip to easy, and 90% car 10% skill driver). bought seasonpasses on fm3,4,6 so so spend quite a bit of money on the game. very loyal forza costumer here ,been playing forza for over 16 years (since forza motorsport 2) and bought every motorsport and horizon since fm2.